Child and Dependent Care Credit and Child Tax Credit
If you pay someone to take care of your child while you work, you know how the cost of childcare can take a big chunk out of your take-home pay. To help offset this cost, you can claim a credit of up to 35% of the amount you paid for childcare during the tax year. Read more
A Quick Guide to Helping Your Adult Child Buy a Home
In today’s market, young first-time homebuyers may find themselves tangled in a web of student debt, rising home prices, and stringent mortgage requirements. As a result, some assistance from parents has become more common. Almost a quarter of homebuyers ages 22 to 30 reported that cash gifts from family and friends were the source of their down payments, according to the National Association of Realtors, with another 5% saying they had received loans from relatives or friends.
Having the means to help your grown children buy a house or an apartment is a blessing and a luxury. But before you sign on the dotted line, consider how best to do so. Read more
Some Tax Refunds Filed Electronically Take Longer than 21 Days...Here's Why...
Even though the Internal Revenue Service issues most refunds in less than 21 days for taxpayers who filed electronically and chose direct deposit, some refunds may take longer. Read more
Tax Tips for Employees Who Work at Home
• Employees who work from home can no longer claim tax deductions for their unreimbursed employee expenses or home office costs on their federal tax return.
• Prior to the 2018 tax reform, employees could claim these expenses as an itemized deduction.
• Self-employed workers can claim eligible deductions for business expenses and for working out of a home office.
• You can choose between two methods for calculating your business use of home tax deductions, the simplified and direct methods. Read more
Don’t Expect a Refund for Unemployment Benefits
Tax season started Jan. 24 and runs through April 18. A tax break isn’t available on 2021 unemployment benefits, unlike aid collected the prior year. Read more
Florida’s Reemployment Tax Rate Continues to Remain at Lowest Possible Rate
The Florida Department of Revenue announced that more than 55% of Florida’s employers will continue to pay the lowest possible rate for reemployment taxes in 2022. Read more
4 Potential ROBS Drawbacks to Buy a Business
When you want to use your retirement funds to buy or finance a business that you or another disqualified person will be involved in, there is only one legal way to do so: the Rollover Business Start-up Solution (ROBS). Read more
The $10,200 Unemployment Tax Break
Generally, unemployment compensation received under the unemployment compensation laws of the United States or a state is considered taxable income and must be reported on your federal tax return. However, a new tax break - in effect only for the 2020 tax year - lets you exclude the first $10,200 from taxable income. Read more
5 Reasons You Should Hire an Accountant to Help with Your Small Business Taxes this Year
Understanding your tax liability as a small business and ensuring you file everything properly and on time can be a headache. If you’ve just recently started a small business in the last year, you might not be totally ready for the complications involved. Read more
Company Car Guidelines
A company-owned vehicle used for business purposes (as long as it’s documented) is not considered taxable income. However, when your employee uses the vehicle for personal use, it becomes taxable and must be reported on their W-2. Read more
Tax Day now July 15
The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service announced today that the federal income tax filing due date is automatically extended from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020. Read more
Guidance on Deferring Tax Payments Due to COVID-19 Outbreak
U.S. Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) today issued guidance allowing all individual and other non-corporate tax filers to defer up to $1 million of federal income tax (including self-employment tax) payments due on April 15, 2020, until July 15, 2020, without penalties or interest. The guidance also allows corporate taxpayers a similar deferment of up to $10 million of federal income tax payments that would be due on April 15, 2020, until July 15, 2020, without penalties or interest. This guidance does not change the April 15 filing deadline. Read more
Virtual Appointments & COVID-19 Client Information
We understand this has been an extremely stressful time over the last ten days. The world has seemingly changed overnight with the global pandemic. First and foremost, we need to consider the health and safety of our family & friends, team members, clients, and the community as a whole over heightened concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are closely monitoring the CDC’s recommendations to limit person-to-person contact and as public health authorities and our Federal Government indicate new policies and recommendations to combat the spread of the coronavirus, Hershkowitz & Kunitzer, P.A. is now taking additional precautions in our office. Read more
COVID-19 Should Push You to Get Moving on Your 2019 Taxes. Here's Why.
Getting your refund sooner could spare you a world of financial stress during otherwise trying times. Read more
What Happens When a Business Owner Dies? Three Steps to Cheat Death
When you’re dead, you’re dead. What happens to your business, however, will be whatever you planned for. What! No plan? That can be chaos for your family, business associates and the business itself — a completely avoidable mess. Don't expect to be remembered fondly. You should not feel alone, however. Fewer than 30% of small business owners have a succession plan. Read more
Child Tax Credit by the Numbers
Taxpayers may be able to claim the child tax credit if they have a qualifying child under the age of 17. Part of this credit can be refundable, so it may give a taxpayer a refund even if they don’t owe any tax. Read more
5 Ways the SECURE Act Could Harm Retirees
To avoid RMD penalties, tax bills that are (possibly MUCH) higher than necessary and other problems, make sure you understand this groundbreaking new retirement law and take steps to keep your plan on track. Read more
Tax Planning: Figuring Out if You Have Household Employees
There are plenty of tax, wage and compliance nuances to household employment that can trip up even the savviest of accountants and taxpayers. And it all starts with figuring out who should be considered a household employee. Read more
Proposed Regulations Govern Maximum Automobile Values
As promised in Notice 2019-08, the IRS issued proposed regulations that update the fleet-average and vehicle cents-per-mile valuation rules described in Regs. Secs. 1.61-21(d) and (e),... Read more
IRS Says Some Business Expenses Are Personal
Which expenses are business and which are personal? You might think it's obvious, but your view and the IRS view may differ. These days business and personal can often seem mixed up, such as when... Read more
IRS Cancels Postcard-Sized Income Tax Return
The IRS won’t be getting any postcards from taxpayers this year.
It’s not like the nation’s tax collection agency was expecting pictures... Read more
Can I Expense That? LOL: The Most Absurd Expense Report Items
Finance departments continually develop rigorous expense reporting guidelines, but that hasn't stemmed the flow of eyebrow-raising requests by some employees, new research suggests. In a new... Read more
How To Respond To An IRS Notice? Very Carefully.
When you receive an IRS notice, you may get a knot in the pit of your stomach even before you open it. Every year the IRS sends millions of letters and notices. (This is the way the agency contacts... Read more
For Letter Rulings and Similar Requests: Electronic Payment of User Fees Starts June 15
Beginning June 15, taxpayers requesting letter rulings, closing agreements and certain other rulings from the Internal Revenue Service will need to make user fee payments electronically using the... Read more
Home Office Deduction Benefits Eligible Small Business Owners
Small business owners may qualify for a home office deduction that will help them save money on their taxes, and benefit their bottom line. Taxpayers can take this deduction if they use a portion of their home exclusively, and on a regular basis, for any of the following:
As the taxpayer’s main place of business.
As a place of business where the taxpayer meets patients, clients or custome... Read more
What Historic Building Owners Should Know About the Rehab Tax Credit
Organizations around the country continue to promote historic buildings and other important heritage sites as May is National Historic Preservation Month. As part of this month, anyone who owns a historic building should remember that the rehabilitation tax credit offers an incentive to renovate and restore old or historic buildings. Tax reform legislation passed in December 2017 changed when the c... Read more
Are Medically Necessary Home Improvements Deductible?
Some of our clients incur sizeable medical expenses for themselves and family members. I tell them not to expect much help from the IRS when it comes to deducting such expenses.
The agency requires them to pass several tests. To begin with, they have to forego the standard deduction and itemize on Schedule A of Form 1040 in order to deduct their expenditures. Another stipulation is that their expe... Read more
Switching From S To C Corporation? How You Do It Could Save (Or Cost) You Millions
You're the sole shareholder of an S corporation. You've operated as a flow-through business since formation in 2016, and you've been perfectly content to do so. What's not to like about a... Read more
Taxpayers Must Report Virtual Currency Transactions
The Internal Revenue Service reminded taxpayers that income from virtual currency transactions is reportable on their income tax returns.
Virtual currency transactions are taxable by law just like... Read more
The Best Big Cities for Starting a Business? They're Almost All Down South
The top U.S. city for entrepreneurs boasts cool breezes, white-sand beaches, and attractive economic conditions for businesses.
Entrepreneurs in Tampa and St. Petersburg, Florida, may be in... Read more
Small Business Can Benefit from Deducting Vehicle Costs on Their Taxes
Businesses that use a car or other vehicle may be able to deduct the expense of operating that vehicle on their taxes. Businesses generally can use one of the two methods to figure their deductible... Read more
Businesses Should Review Depreciation Deductions Rules
Businesses should know the tax rules for deducting depreciation on certain property. This deduction can benefit eligible business taxpayers. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made changes to the rules... Read more
Home Office Deduction Often Overlooked by Small Business Owners
For small business owners who work from a home office, there are two options for claiming the Home Office Deduction. The Home Office Deduction is often overlooked by small business owners.
As part... Read more
Deferral of Gains for Investments in a Qualified Opportunity Fund
The Internal Revenue Service today issued guidance providing additional details about investment in qualified opportunity zones.
The proposed regulations allow the deferral of all or... Read more
Want To Make Millions And Pay No Taxes? Try Real Estate
Real estate is a cyclical business. Markets crash. Deals sour. But hard landings are rare for a savvy property mogul, thanks to the U.S. tax code.
Take Harry Macklowe, a New York City developer.... Read more
The Case for Extending the Tax Filing Deadline
The shaky start to this year’s filing season should be addressed by extending the filing deadline for one month, according to Andrew Moylan, executive vice president of the National Taxpayers... Read more
Florida Sales Tax on Commercial Real Property Leases Reduced Beginning January 2019
As commercial real property owners in Florida are likely aware, the Sunshine State imposes its sales tax on rental payments for the lease of real property. The general 6 percent state-level tax was... Read more
What is the penalty for not having health insurance in 2019?
The federal tax penalty for not being enrolled in health insurance will be eliminated in 2019 because of recent changes made by the Trump Administration. However, those that received a penalty for... Read more
IRS Waives Penalty for Many Whose Tax Payments Fell Short in 2018
The Internal Revenue Service announced that it is waiving the estimated tax penalty for many taxpayers whose 2018 federal income tax withholding and estimated tax payments fell short of their total... Read more
Shutdown Impact on Tax Court Cases
The United States Tax Court shut down operations on Friday, December 28, 2018, at 11:59 p.m. and will remain closed until further notice. The IRS reminds taxpayers and tax professionals the... Read more
Small Business Tax Planning Looms - Tips To Make it Easier!
Year-end tax planning, something that should be part of a small business owner's annual routine, is particularly important now because of the tax law enacted nearly a year ago. The IRS has cleared... Read more
This New Tax Break Can Make a Big Difference for Small Business Owners
The IRS has issued eagerly-awaited regulations that provide details on the new deduction for up to 20% of qualified business income (QBI) from pass-through entities. The QBI deduction was a major... Read more
5 Tips for Savings Money on Your 2018 Tax Bill
Let's face it: Few of us are going to wake up the morning of Dec. 31 and finish all the year-end action items on our list for cutting taxes. It's thus best to get started with about a month... Read more
For Tax Year 2017, E-File Closes on Nov. 17
The Internal Revenue Service reminds people, including those in disaster areas, who want to file a 2017 tax return electronically to do so by Saturday, Nov. 17, 2018. Filing of paper tax returns... Read more
Here are some important things taxpayers need to know as they plan for the tax-filing season in early 2019:
Child Tax Credit increased
Higher income limits mean more families are now eligible for the Child Tax Credit. The credit begins to phase out at $200,000 of modified adjusted gross income, or... Read more
How the New Tax Law Revised Family Tax Credits
More families will be able to get more money under the newly-revised Child Tax Credit, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), the tax reform legislation... Read more
Detailed Description of Adjusted and Unchanged Limitations
Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) provides for dollar limitations on benefits and contributions under qualified retirement plans. Section 415(d) requires that the Secretary of the... Read more
Highlights of Limitations that Remain Unchanged from 2018
The catch-up contribution limit for employees aged 50 and over who participate in 401(k), 403(b), most 457 plans and the federal government’s Thrift Savings Plan remains unchanged at $6,000. Read more
401(k) Contribution Limit Increases to $19,000 for 2019; IRA Limit Increases to $6,000
The Internal Revenue Service announced cost of living adjustments affecting dollar limitations for pension plans and other retirement-related items for tax year 2019.
Highlights of... Read more
Reduced 24% Withholding Rate Applies to Small Businesses and Other Payers
Backup Withholding for Missing and Incorrect Name/TIN(s), posted last month on, has been updated to reflect a key change made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). As a result of this... Read more